Back to “Civilization”
We treked for 5 days up to the Lost City and made it back to “civilization.” I now have internet access to a world wide web of news. I can check to see if our prayers for world peace are answered ? Humm, did the New York Times miss it ? Or did God not […]
Climbing photos
After instructions from the guides its time for the climb.
Making new friends
Escale au paradis
Arrived to Santa Marta
24 hours and 15 minutes of travel time
Journey continues
At the modern Olympic games the journey of the Olympic flame starts in Greece at the ancient site off Olympia and embodies the ideals of peace, among other things.The flame has landed in Paris where another Journey for peace is also continuing.A journey the may not end in gold metals, yet still will require great […]
Can We Buy Some Peace ?
You Can’t Buy Peace with Money ! You can do a lot with money, but you can’t buy peace ! However, organizations working toward building peace in this warring world do use money. And in our arms driven economy, they are often short of cash. So, as you pray for peace you might also think […]
Should I Actually Do This ?
At my age, I have seriously been wondering if I should attempt the trek. Even if it is not a climb, it will be demanding on my old body. So I was earnestly thinking of becoming an encouraging observer rather than an active participant. Then one morning in May, reading my morning devotion from Jesus […]
Paris 2024
Cinq colombes, symboles universels de la paix, lancés depuis le parvis de l’église de la Madeleine, virevoltent dans le ciel bleu de Paris. Cette image irénique a clôturé la messe d’ouverture de la trêve olympique, célébrée vendredi 19 juillet, présidée par Mgr Laurent Ulrich, archevêque de Paris, à une semaine du début des Jeux olympiques […]